
Standard Therapy

I am a clinical psychologist and family therapist. I specialize in adolescents, children and families. I have written and taught in these areas. I have successfully worked with couples in marital therapy as well as couple group therapy. For years I have worked with individuals, in both psychotherapy and life coaching.

I also consult with schools and give workshop on many topics. I have written 11 childrens books, which are available on

My modality is psychodynamic and family systems. I work with all ethnic groups, gender and religious orientations. I have published, written, produced and taught throughout the world

Be aware that Couples/Marriage and Family Therapy is provided under my MFT License, and as such is not covered by Medicare. I have opted out of Medicare.


Mindful Marathon Therapy

With Bill E. Forisha and Ann Forisha Thiel, et al.

MARATHON FAMILY THERAPY: Although most of my clients are seen in the traditional 50-minute session in my Pacific Palisades office, I often conduct therapy in the clients’ own home and/or in multiple sessions. In fact, I have found that a very effective means of treatment is actually to conduct family or couple therapy in marathon sessions. This requires scheduling 10 to 18 hours of work over a two or three day period. This method is particularly useful to help families breakout of a stalemate or work through an impasse in their relationship in order for members to move forward in their lives—together or separately as the case may be. Marathon sessions are often a very practical alternative whenever family members live far apart and/or live far from my office. In recent years, I have co-conducted such marathons along with my colleague, Dr. Bill Forisha, in San Francisco, California, Seattle, Washington, Hamburg, Germany, and Budapest, Hungary. (PLEASE NOTE—that we did not invent this method of doing family therapy; in fact, there is evidence and precedent to support as a treatment of choice. If you want to examine the literature on this subject, please email Dr. Bill Forisha at: accordingly.) Dr. Forisha is chairman of the Family Therapy Department at Argosy University in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Dr Forisha and I have also conducted workshops in Europe, South America and India.

I also work with Dr. Steve Held and underachieving Children using the "Master Student Guidelines."

About Mindful Marriage Marathons

There are three parts to an intimate relationship—me, you, and us. Most marital problems develop over time. Partners get so busy with their individual lives and/or their parental responsibilities that they neglect the “us” until the consequences of neglect create pain for the “me” and/or the “you”. Then one or both partners rings the alarm bell and decides to either abandon ship or call damage control. Those that simply abandon ship usually find themselves in deep water and encircled by legal sharks. Those that seek marital therapy begin a long, slow, painful, and unpredictable process of finally becoming mindful of that which they have been neglecting. Mindful Marriage Marathons are conducted by a co-therapy team in two or three consecutive days in sessions lasting 5 to 7 hours in length each day. Marathon therapy selectively draws from a wide range of established methods; in fact, co-therapists utilize many of the same methods that have been proven by researchers to be relatively successful in on-going traditional 50-minute sessions (usually held weekly for several months to a year or even more). Mindful Marriage Marathons provide an alternative—one that invites a couple to focus exclusively and intensely on their marital relationship for a specified amount of concentrated time. In doing so, each marathon session essentially addresses all three of the scenarios described above by:

  • Empowering partners to repair minor damages and to restore and maintain a balanced, mindful, and sustainable approach to the care of self, other, and their relationship.
  • Interrupting the cycle of mistrust, anger, and hurt—even as the cycle has begun to pick up speed and spin out of control—by applying an intense therapeutic “braking” experience, one that aims to restore mutual respect of self and other, even as the relationship itself may begin to undergo careful or mindful restructuring
  • Providing a quick start to what might become a longer therapeutic process—in order to provide immediate emotional safety for each partner, non-medicated (emotional) pain management, problem identification, and initial, if not yet full, problem resolution.
  • My Office

    My office has relocated to the South Carthay area of Mid Wilshire Los Angeles. Currently, my "office" will be virtual via Zoom. Fully vaccinated, boosted and masked clients may come to my South Carthay home office when there is no Covid surge.

    My Office  

        © 2005–2022 Dr. Ann Forisha Thiel